How to Clean Bathroom Tiles
How to clean bathroom tiles
Bathroom tiles are more challenging than most tiles to keep clean because, over time, the wet environment results in the build-up of tough dirt, grime, and mould. Here’s our simple guide on how to clean bathroom tiles.
Make a cleaning solution
So, what to use to clean bathroom tiles? Of course, you can buy a suitable product from the supermarket, but making a cleaning solution will be more targeted, more effective, and won’t contain nasty chemicals that are bad for your health.
Cleaning bathroom tiles with vinegar and baking soda is a top-rated cleaning solution that provides sparkling clean tiles and is good for the environment and your health. Make a mixture of baking soda and liquid soap using two parts baking soda with one part soap, with a bit of water.
Vinegar is a non-toxic cleaner that kills mould and cleans bathroom tiles. Simply mix an equal amount of vinegar with water, and you have a non-toxic, effective cleaning solution.

Bathroom tile cleaning process
- Prepare the tiles for cleaning - For best results, tiles need to be pre-treated or pre-heated, which essentially mean the same thing. Harness the power of steam by closing all the doors and windows in your bathroom and running your shower or bath with hot water for approximately ten minutes. The heat will work wonders by loosening the dirt particles, making them easier to remove later.
- Work from top to bottom - Before starting, remember to start by cleaning the tiles from the top and working your way down. This is so that grime doesn’t run down to the already sparkling clean tiles.
- Get scrubbing - Spread your cleaning solution of choice all over the tiles and scrub as hard as you can with a non-abrasive sponge, bristled brush or cloth. Using a circular motion will work best to remove stains and grime. For tough spots, let the cleaning solution sit for a while before scrubbing. You can even use a little bit of bleach on tough spots.
- Rinse and dry - Once all the scrubbing is done, rinse with water and wipe off any excess with a towel. Open the windows to ventilate the bathroom, leaving the tiles fresh and clean.

Bathroom tiles cleaning tips
If you haven’t had the task of cleaning bathroom tiles before, it can seem daunting. Here are our top tips to help make it as stress-free as possible.
- Prevention is key! Prevent mould on bathroom tiles by keeping the bathroom as dry as possible and treating minor stains as they appear. To keep the bathroom dry, use fans and keep windows open while steam is in the bathroom.
- Use an old towel or a squeegee to run over the bathroom tiles. This will reduce the amount of moisture in the room, and therefore, mould build-up.
- Making your own cleaning solution is the way to go—it saves money, is better for the environment and your health.
- If you’re wondering how to clean dirt between bathroom tiles in the tiniest of crevices, using a toothbrush is a great solution.
- Plan and schedule time to clean your bathroom tiles. Being organised will ensure you always have clean bathroom tiles, which will reduce the amount of hard work needed in the long run.
- A clean space equals a clean mind, and the same goes for your bathroom. A clean bathroom can go a long way in boosting an overall sense of well-being.
- Ensure you purchase high quality, durable bathroom tiles, which you can find in Tile Cloud’s extensive range of bathroom tiles.

How to maintain clean bathroom tiles
Maintaining clean bathroom tiles is essential for easing the cleaning process and keeping your bathroom clean and sparkly in the long run. To maintain clean bathroom tiles, clean them once a week with a cleaning solution and regularly scrub with a towel or squeegee.
Say goodbye to dirty bathroom tiles!
Now that you know the ins and outs of cleaning bathroom tiles, you can bid farewell to mouldy, grout-filled, dirty bathroom tiles. Simply follow our step-by-step guide and keep our top tips in mind, and you will never have to worry about dirty bathroom tiles again.