Sample Pack SALE. 5 samples for $5. $17 sample packs now $7. Use code MARCH10 at checkout to take $10 off any sample pack purchase.

Sample Pack Sale! 5 for $15. $17 packs now $7. Code MARCH10 for $10 off!

Sample Pack SALE. 5 samples for $5. $17 sample packs now $7. Use code MARCH10 at checkout to take $10 off any sample pack purchase.

Sample Pack Sale! 5 for $15. $17 packs now $7. Code MARCH10 for $10 off!

Sample Pack SALE. 5 samples for $5. $17 sample packs now $7. Use code MARCH10 at checkout to take $10 off any sample pack purchase.

Sample Pack Sale! 5 for $15. $17 packs now $7. Code MARCH10 for $10 off!

Warm Brushed Nickel Tapware

Warm brushed nickel tapware is popular in Australia, and with reason. Working well with most interior décor styles, there’s plenty to love about nickel tapware. Let inspiration strike and pick your favourite from our carefully-selected range of brushed nickel tapware.
If you are tired of your bathroom or kitchen look, install warm brush nickel tapware and immediately inject it with new life. Similar in colour to chrome, warm brushed nickel is shinier and has a modern look. Since it won’t overpower your existing decor, upgrading to brushed nickel tapware is an easy solution if you don’t want to undergo a complete remodel but just update old-looking fixtures. If you want to match your tiles to your tapware, read more about it in our Guide to Pairing Tapware with Tiles article.

Warm brushed nickel tapware — the smart choice for your kitchen and bathroom

The brushed nickel finish makes this a durable and easy-to-clean tapware. Resistant to showing watermarks, scratches and fingerprints, brushed nickel tapware is a popular choice for renovators thinking about practicality and longevity.